
This page contains a series of videos and other online content that has been written about me or where I’ve been a part of.

A11y Camp 2020

Here is an amazing Twitter Thread by Allison Ravenhall, Accessibility Sensei at Intopia, summarising the key points of my talk:

OzeWAI 2017 presentation

A video of my presentation “Echolocation as a means to assist people with visual impairment in exploring virtual environments” during the Australian Web Accessibility Initiative (OzeWAI) Conference, Canberra, 2017.

Promotional video for “Mis Manos son mis Ojos” (“My Hands are my Eyes“)

This is a video recorded in 2011 to promote the social project Mis Manos son mis Ojos (My Hands are my Eyes) at the Library and Information Centre of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral ESPOL in Guayaquil, Ecuador. I worked teaching people with visual impairment how to use screen reading software to develop employability skills. We received a grant from the Vicepresidency of Ecuador to finance the project (the video is in Spanish).

Testimonials from students of the project “Mis Manos son mis Ojos” (“My Hands are my Eyes“)

This video was recorded in 2010 when I participated in a national contest and contains a series of testimonials from students of the project “Mis Manos son mis Ojos” (“My Hands are my Eyes“) about the course in general and about me in particular. The video is in Spanish.